Douglas D. Richman
Douglas Richman
Current Position(s):
Director of the AIDS Research Institute
Distinguished Professor of Pathology and Medicine
Personal Statement:
Dr. Richman has focused his research for the past 30+ years on HIV disease and pathogenesis. Dr. Richman's laboratory was the first to identify HIV drug resistance. His lab joined two others in identifying latently infected CD4 cells as the obstacle to eradication of HIV with potent antiretroviral therapy. The lab described the dynamics of the neutralizing antibody response to HIV and the rapidity of viral escape and evolution in response to this selective pressure. Current studies are focused on latency and the eradication of the HIV reservoir with a special focus on developing methods to measure and characterize the reservoir – an objective essential for the informed design and conduct of eradication strategies.
Reference 3 below proposed the creation of the Delaney Collaboratories. Over the past 5 years Dr. Richman's lab has focused on developing precise, sensitive practical assays to measure the latent reservoir, which is critical to characterizing the target that must be eradicated and to reliably measure the impact of candidate curative interventions.
Professional History:
1976-2006 Staff Pathologist and Chief, Clinical Virology Section, VA Medical Center, San Diego
1988-2006 Director, Research Center for AIDS and HIV Infection of the San Diego Veteran's Affairs Medical Center
1976-present Staff Physician, San Diego VA Healthcare System
1976-1982 Assistant Professor of Pathology and Medicine (Infectious Diseases) University of California, San Diego (UCSD)
1982-1988 Associate Professor of Pathology and Medicine, University of California San Diego
1989-2009 Professor of Pathology and Medicine, University of California, San Diego
2009-present Distinguished Professor of Pathology and Medicine, University of California, San Diego
2000-present Director, UCSD Center for AIDS Research and UCSD AIDS Research Institute
Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 1965 English
Stanford University, Stanford, CA 1970 Medicine
Laboratory of Infectious Diseases, NIAID 1972-1975 Virology
Beth Israel & Children’s Hospitals, Boston, MA 1975-1976 Infectious Diseases
Awards and Honors:
1970 Alpha Omega Alpha, Stanford University
1970 Lowell Rantz Award in Infectious Diseases, Stanford University
1984-1985 Fellow of the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation
1984-1985 Visiting Fellowship, Clare Hall, University of Cambridge
1993 Howard Temin Award for Clinical Sciences for Scientific Excellence in the Fight Against HIV/AIDS
2002 Department of Veterans Affairs William S. Middleton Award
2004 Florence Seeley Riford Chair in AIDS Research,
2010 Doctor honoris causa, University of Lausanne
National/Global Website: Google Scholar - NCBI