Metabolism Core
Provides excess human muscle and adipose tissue cultured cells for use of a tool to rapidly and effectively evaluate the biologic activity of new compounds in human muscle tissue using receptor reporting systems. Performs metabolic flux assays on cells.
Metabolism Core Costs
Cell culture: propagate hSMC from biopsy*
Institutional Client: $1,760
Outside Client: $2,492
Provide excess hSMC
Institutional Client: $330
Outside Client: $467
Maintain/treat adipose tissue or adipocytes in culture
Institutional Client: $630/biopsy sample
Outside Client: $892
Adipose tissue: isolate adipocytes
Institutional Client: $250
Outside Client: $354
Glucose uptake in adherent cells (2-4 plates)
Institutional Client: $440
Outside Client: $623
Determination of radioactivity in samples, correcting for counting efficiency and quenching
Institutional Client: $3.30/sample (performed in duplicate)
Outside Client: $4.40/sample ​​(performed in duplicate)
FFA oxidation in adherent cells (2-4 plates)
Institutional Client: $480
Outside Client: $680
Glucose transport in suspended cells: cells either isolated by Metabolism Core or provided by client
Institutional Client: $525
Outside Client: $743
Pyrogenicity testing
Institutional Client: $1,188
Outside Client: $1,682
Assay: glucose specific activity in plasma
Institutional Client: $423 (per assay)
Outside Client: $599 (per assay)
Calculation of glucose production and utilization
Institutional Client: $220
Outside Client: $343
Multiplex analysis of cytokines (1 plate)
Institutional Client: $170 or $400
Outside Client: $241 or $566
Multiplex equipment operation
Institutional Client: $110
Outside Client: N/A
Long-term sample storage (-80ºC)
Institutional Client: $5.50/box/month
Research data retrieval and collation
Institutional Client: $29/hour
Outside Client: $41/hour