Leslie A. Morland
Leslie A. Morland
Current Position(s):
Director of San Diego Regional Telemental Health Services, VASDHS
Clinical Psychologist, VA San Diego Healthcare System
Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, UCSD
Personal Statement:
Dr. Morland is a clinical psychologist specializing in the assessment and treatment of PTSD, anger, and other mental health issues among Veterans. She has worked for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for over 18 years after receiving her Doctorate. She currently serves as Regional Director of Telemental Health Services at the San Diego VA Healthcare System. Previously, she was Deputy Director of VA’s National Center for PTSD at the Pacific Islands Healthcare System. She has expertise in designing and implementing federally funded research projects which examine the use of technology to increase access to evidence-based PTSD services for rural, ethnically-diverse populations. Dr. Morland is an internationally recognized expert in providing mental health services to Veterans; she has executed numerous federal grants to conduct innovative research in this field. She is a frequently invited speaker at national mental health conferences and has authored dozens of peer-reviewed journal articles and written several book chapters.
BA. Psychology/Sociology, University of South California, 1992
MA. Psychology, Loyola Marymount University, 1995
PsyD., Clinical Psychology, Pepperdine University, Department of Psychology, 1999
Post Doc., Clinical Psychology, National Center for PTSD Pacific Islands Division, 2000
Professional History:
Deputy Director, National Center for PTSD, Pacific Islands Division, VA Pacific Island Health Care System
Clinical Psychologist, National Center for PTSD, Pacific Islands Division, VA Pacific Island Health Care System
Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, University of Hawaii
Awards and Honors:
Veterans Affairs VISN21 Young Investigator Research Award, 2001-2002
Pepperdine University Graduate Honors Scholarship for Psychology Research, 1996-1999
Raine Research Grant, Loyola Marymount University, 1994-1995
Psi Chi Member, Phi Beta Kappa Member, 1990-1992
National/Global Website: National Center for Biotechnology Information