Larry R. Squire
Larry R. Squire
Ph.D. – Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Brain and Cognitive Sciences
B.A. – Oberlin College, Major: Psychology
Current Position(s):
Research Career Scientist, VA Medical Center
Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry, Neurosciences, and Psychology, UC San Diego
Personal Statement:
Dr. Larry R. Squire is Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry, Neurosciences, and Psychology at the University of California School of Medicine, San Diego, and Research Career Scientist at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center, San Diego. He received his undergraduate degree from Oberlin College (Psychology), his Ph.D. degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Brain and Cognitive Sciences), and did postdoctoral study at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine before coming to UCSD. Dr. Squire investigates the organization and neurological foundations of memory. His work involves the study of neurological patients and rodents and combines the traditions of cognitive science and neuroscience. He is an elected member of the National Academy of Sciences and served on its governing Council (2009-2012). He is also an elected member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the American Philosophical Society, and The National Academy of Medicine. He is also a William James Fellow of the American Psychological Society.
Professional History:
1996 – Present: Professor of Psychology, UC San Diego
1993 – Present: Professor of Neurosciences, UC San Diego
1970 – Present: Assistant Professor to Professor, Department of Psychiatry, UC San Diego
1968 – 1970: Fellow, Interdepartmental Institute for Training in Research in Behavioral and Neurologic Sciences, Department of Pharmacology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Ph.D. - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Brain and Cognitive Sciences
NIMH Interdisciplinary Fellow- Albert Einstein College of Medicine
B.A. - Oberlin College, Major: Psychology
1993 - Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award from the American Psychological Association
1994 - William Middleton Award from the Department of Veterans Affairs
1994 - Karl Spencer Lashley Award (American Philosophical Society)
2000 - Metropolitan Life Award for Medical Research
2004 - McGovern Award (American Association for the Advancement of Science)
2007 - Howard Crosby Warren Medal (Society of Experimental Psychologists)
2012 - NAS Award for Scientific Reviewing (National Academy of Sciences)
2012 - Goldman-Rakic Prize, Outstanding Achievement in Cognitive Neuroscience (Brain and Behavior Research Foundation)
National/Global Website: National Center for Biotechnology Information