Michael J. McCarthy
Michael J. McCarthy
Current Position(s):
Staff Psychiatrist, Veterans Affairs San Diego Healthcare System (VASDHS)
Associate Professor of Psychiatry, University of California, San Diego (UCSD)
Personal Statement:
Dr. McCarthy is a physician-scientist with research interests in neurobiology of bipolar disorder (BD) and other serious mental illnesses. His research uses state of the art cellular-molecular biology to study the circadian clock and identify chronobiological factors that influence disease susceptibility, and treatment response and the metabolic effects of antipsychotic drugs. In recent years, Dr. McCarthy has developed a platform to study circadian rhythms in cellular models of BD, and has been involved with pioneering efforts applying stem-cell technology to create neuronal models of BD using human patient donors. Dr. McCarthy's work in the past several years has also contributed meaningfully to the application of principles of personalized medicine to the treatment of BD and the use of lithium. He is a Staff Psychiatrist in the VA Mood Disorders Clinic and the principal investigator (PI) on a VA Merit Award. Dr. McCarthy holds an academic appointment as an Associate Professor of Psychiatry at UCSD and is a member of the UCSD Center for Circadian Biology and Neuroscience Graduate Program.
University of New Mexico, B.S., Biochemistry/Psych 1996
The Ohio State University, Ph.D., Neuroscience 2003
The Ohio State University, M.D., Medicine 2005
UCSD, Residency, Psychiatry 2009
UCSD, Fellowship, Psychiatric Genetics 2011
Awards and Honors:
2009 APA Research Colloquium for Junior Investigators Travel Award
2009 UCSD Department of Psychiatry Chairman’s Research Award
2010 Career Development Institute in Bipolar Disorder Award
2010 Featured Speaker, UCSD Dept of Psychiatry Junior Faculty Research Symposium
2012 American College of Neuropsychopharmacology Travel Award
2015 International Bipolar Foundation Catalyst Research Award
2018 Associate Member, American College of Neuropsychopharmacology
Professional History:
2010-Current Board Certification in Psychiatry and Neurology ABPN
2010-Current Field Editor In Neurobiology, Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica
2011-Current Executive Committee Member UCSD Center for Chronobiology
2012-Current Member Consortium on Lithium Pharmacogenetics (ConLiGen)
2017-Current Editorial Board Molecular Neuropsychiatry
2018-Current Editorial Board Depression and Anxiety
National/Global Website: National Center for Biotechnology Information