Candis M. Morello
Candis M. Morello
APh (Advanced Practice Pharmacist license)
Current Position(s):
Clinical Pharmacist Specialist, VASDHS
Professor of Clinical Pharmacy, UCSD
Personal Statement:
Dr. Morello's research program involves exploring both clinical outcomes in diabetes patients and educational outcomes in student pharmacists who attend her diabetes educational programs. Dr. Morello maintains a clinical practice at the Veterans Affairs San Diego Health System where she is Director of the Diabetes Intense Medical Management Clinic. She is studying the effect of pharmacist-run diabetes medication management services on the 1) metabolic, 2) quality of life, 3) patient satisfaction 4) adherence rate outcomes in diabetes patients, 5) pharmacoeconomics and 6) medication complexity.
Dr. Morello also conducts research on the effectiveness of the educational models such as diabetes self-care educational program, free clinic involvement, and is currently collaborating on a project using videos to enhance educational training.
Awards and Honors:
2013 Fellow, ASHP Practitioner Recognition Program Award
2013 Finalist, San Diego Business Journal “Women Who Mean Business 2013 Award”
2015 Recipient, Teaching Award, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
2016 Recipient, American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) Pharmacy Community of Interest Pharmacy Best Practices in Diabetes Care 2016 Award
2017 Honorable Mention, California Society of Health-System Pharmacists (CSHP) 2017 Innovative Pharmacy Practice Award for “Value of a Collaborative Pharmacist-Endocrinologist Collaborative Care Model: Diabetes Intense Medical Management Clinic”
2019 Excellence in Teaching Award, UC San Diego Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Professional History:
2002 – Present Founding faculty at UC San Diego Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (UCSD SSPPS)
2008 – Present Clinical Pharmacist Specialist (CPS) at VASDHS
2009 – Present Director and CPS in collaborative PharmD-MD Diabetes Intense Medical Management “tune Up” clinic, VASDHS
2011- Present Associate Dean for Student Affairs, UCSD SSPPS
Chemistry degree from UC Davis 1991, PharmD from UC San Francisco completed 1996, PGY1Residency VASDHS completed 1997
National/Global Website: National Center for Biotechnology Information